
Tallivahdin Hauptmann was BOS and won his first CAC, Irrlicht was BB4 and won RES CAC and Tallivahdin Breeder group became BOB with HP in National Show in Raisio!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!!

HAPPY SHOW NEWS: Tallivahdin hovis made EXCellent results in National Show in Raisio. There were 18 hovawarts and the judge was Swedish Benny Blidh Von Schedvin.
Tallivahdin Hauptmann (2,5 year old) Open class EXC1 CQ BM1 CAC BOS - GREAT WORK Mikaela & Reposyrjän Romeo!!! <3
Tallivahdin Freiberufler (6 y) CH class EXC1 CQ BM2 <3
Tallivahdin Journalistin (1 y) JUN VG1 <3
Tallivahdin Irrlicht (2 y) Open class EXC2 CQ BB4 RES CAC - Congratulations to Outi & Hertta! <3
Tallivahdin Cremefarben (10 y) VET EXC4 <3

Our golden breeder group (Hauptmann, Irrlicht, Freiberufler, Cremefarben) got one of the most finest judgement of all of my breeder groups and became BOB Breeder with HP. Unfortunately our charm did not continue in the BIS breeder group final. THANK YOU FRIENDS FOR A VERY FUN HOVAWART DAY
