


10 Tallivahdin I-puppies were born on the 10.6.2014 and there are 5 bitches and 5 males 8 black and tan and one blond in each sex. I-litter started new history in Tallivahdin Kennel because two males were exported one to Estonia and one to Russian. The blond bitch Tallivahdin Irrlicht, "Hertta", is hopefully our new mother dog in the future. You find several videos of puppies in working-dog.eu website and in Hovawart Kennel Tallivahdin facebook site. In photo above puppies are 7  weeks old share their last times together.



Their mother is called Ofelia, C.I.B. FI CH HeJW-11 FH1 PEHA-A BH Tallivahdin Forscherin, and their father is wonderful Austrian male C.I.E Ger&Aus CH Österreisicher Klubsieger 2010 FH3 BGH3 BG2 RH-E BH Roy vom Wiener Stadtrand. The pedigree of I-litter can be seen in www.working-dog.eu here > tältä. In their pedigree over 70% of ancestors have results in working-dog tests and the main aim in this litter is to strenghten the working capacity although their relatives have shown to be also beautiful ones. In close relatives the average of maximum FH2 results is over 90 points... so for this sport that very strongly measures the independent working capacity of dogs can we happily wait for nice results  :-)

Tallivahdin I-litter is the first four generation Tallivahdin breeding. Their mother´s Ofelias mother Sissi has results in two different tracking in highest class JK3 and FH2 and she is also International Champion C.I.B FI&SE MVA JK3 FH2 BH Tallivahdin Cremefarben. The father of Ofelia is German male that is almost 100% bred with working criterias: VPG3 FH2 BH Cid vom Alten Schulweg. Sissi granmother have shown her working capacity with 13 results in JK3 & FH2 tests and grandfather Cid had more than three results over 90% both in FH2 and in VPG3. Ofelia is the first hunting hovawart of Tallivahdin. She started her hunting career at the age of 11 months with pidgeons and since that she has hunt every autumn different kind of birds with her owner. At the same time weekly she trains for FH and Rescue where she is also very talanted. You can find more information of Ofelia, Sissi etc in their own pages here.

The father of I-litter is C.I.E. Austrian & German CH FH3 BGH3 RH-E Roy von Wiener Stadtrand. His mother is a living legend C.I.E MultiChampion FH1 BH Mira vom Hausbergkante, that was the BOB yet at 12,5 years age in Austrian Club Show 2014.  Roy´s working results are as great as his show career has been. Roy has six FH2 results and his best result was made at the age of 4 years and it is FH2 with 96/100 points (V). He has been the Austrian Club Show BOB in 2010. His breeding indexes in RZV Deckrüdenliste are also very nice (92 / 99 / 121 / 95 / 104 / 116) but even more presentation with nice photos you can find of him in his websites  http://www.mydogs-page.at/html/roy.html.


Puppies names are:

BITCHES: Idealfall, Inhaberinnen, Inhaltsschwerin, Irreführendin and Irrlicht.

MALES: Ichbezogen, Ideenreich, Imperialist, Intellektuelle and Intensiv.

I-puppies have started their working test trainings and dog show careers very well already in their first year

In working-dog tests trainings have started by Ideenreich (FH and IPO in Russian), Innhaltsschwerin (FH), Irreführendin (FH and rescue) and Irrlicht (FH and IPO). In dog shows as junior have been already Ideenreich, who won junior sertificate in Russian, Intellektuelle, who got good judgement in Finnish Club Show Tervakoski and EXCellently + CQ were judged sisters Irreführendin and Irrlicht. More information of their breeding potential we will for sure get in the future and several of them have planned to be breeding hovawarts. Big blond bitch Tallivahdin Irrlicht will be Tallivahdin future mother and is presented in her own site here.

Down you see their posing photo of 7 weeks old and as junior aged.


Ichbezogen called Sulo works as a real guardian of a horse farm and a family dog in Vehmaa. He is very active and powerfully playing mal.

idealfall 7 weeks 

Idealfall called Wilma, is a house guardian an best friend in Helsinki.



Ideenreich called Stein, lives in Russian Perm in a very dog addicted & active family. He has already started his show career EXCellently and shows promising talents both in IPO and FH.

Imperialist istuu
Imperialist called Rocky, lives in Joensuu and works as a garden guardian and the best friend of his family.


Inhaberinnen called Heta lives in Lemu and works as a garden guardian and the best friend of his family.


Intensiv called Ruudi lives in Tallinn Estonia as a best friend anda hiking companion.


Inhaltsschwerin called Ronja lives in Tikkakoski as a best friend in hobbies and at home. She has started different kind of working activities already.

Intellektuelle Called Sakke lives in Espoo as a best friend and garden guardian.

Irreführendin called Ansa moved to Oulu in her mothers family and have started rescue trainings very early and showed to be very efficiant in that. She started her show career already as junior with EXC CQ.




Irrlicht called Hertta lives in Rusko and is the breeding bitch of Tallivahdin in the future. She trains FH and IPO and started her show career with EXC CQ also in Finnish Club Show in Tervakoski.