Tallivahdin FreiberuflerRepe 2,5 years

C.I.B. FI & SE CH HeJW-11 FH2 JK2 TK1 BH Tallivahdin Freiberufler (b. 14.7.2010), called Repe, is the son of C.I.B FI & SE CH FH2 JK3 BH Tallivahdin Cremefarben and German male VPG3 FH2 BH AD Cid vom Alten Schulweg. He is third generation Tallivahdin hovawart and our first own male. He shall be a good hobby dog in several hobbys especially in tracking. His nickname Repe comes from a comics of Daffy Duck (in Finnish Daffy Duck is called Repe Sorsa)  because when he talks he sounds very much like a duck. 

Repe is very brave, lively, straight a way -type of dog and you could see his working potential already as a little puppy in excellent  fighting and playing force. Repe shows much dominance and he is rather tough. That is easy to see in everyday life. They fight hard with her mother Sissi and Repe never cries or gets angry. He just figths with full heart. In very young puppy he also seemed to be everywhere where something is happening and taking activily part in action!

Repe has healthy hips (HD A), elbows (ED 0), eyes and heart. He has also been tested to be clear of DM that is DNA-test of Degenerative Myelopathie. Clear DM result means that also his becoming puppies will not be DM sick.  So according to his health it is very easy to concentrate on working-dog training in long sight.

Repe shall hopefully be a father of one litter here in Finland and some abroad if there is international interest towards him. In breeding with Repe we shall follow Tallivahdin breeding strategy that means that his fiancees shall also have a result in working-dog test and in their pedigrees there must be at least about 70% ancestors that have result in working-dog tests. 

Naturally we shall test his working dog potential in FH-tests and also his charm in dog shows in the future.  Our aim it to gain succesfull working dog results with him even younger than her mother Sissi, that was 2 years and 2 months when she got her first tracking test well done with result JK1. Repe made it even better with FH1 result just 2 years and 3 months old. And with this result he is the youngest Finnish hovi that has made FH-result ever.

Repe has shown his charm in dog shows already as a junior male. He has won everything we have hoped and even more. Repe won his third and last CAC needed for Finnish Champion title at the age of 2 years 4 months in Helsinki Winner Show. And it was his 13 dog show that made this dream true and at the end of the year 31.12.2012 he got Finnish Champion title! Only some days from that on the 5th of January 2013 he became BOB in Göteborg and won CACIB and became also Swedish Champion. That great beginning to his international show career but at the same time our show dreams for year 2013 became true!

My passion is FH tracking and there Repe made again Finnish hovi history when he got his first FH2 result 85 points only at the age of 3 years and 2 months! One week before he got result in forest tracking JK1 over 90%. And 1,5 months later he got FH2 with nice 90 points and that is his first option to Finnish Working Dog Champion title. With this result he made Tallivhdin history! I He made his second FH2 result over 90% that was 93/100, when he became 5 year old and now one of my dreams is even closer! REPE is my golden boy in every scale!

REPE´S CV:REPE ROP MyDOG näyttelyssä Göteborgissa 040114

15.8.15 FH2 result with 93/100 points, that is Repe´s second result over 90% of max points! The judge was Keijo Kodis and the test was organized by Varsinaiset Hoffit ry.
26.7.15 Working class EXC2 CQ in Finnish Hovawart Club show in Tervakoski where the judge was Tapio Eerola.
11.4.15 Champion class EXC1 CQ BM1 BOS in Kankaanpää group show where the judge was Norwegian Mona Selbach.
6.12.14 Helsinki Winner Show Working class EXC2 CQ and the judge was German special judge Gisbert Langheim.
25.10.14 FH2 result with points 81. The judge was Outi Hermiö and the test was organized by Varsinaiset Hoffit.
20.9.14 JK2 nordic tracking that includes obedience like in IP
O2 and our work was not good as normally but well enough 70/100 p, tracking 1km in forest max 170/170 p and object surching in 50x50 m area 15/30 p, totaly 255/300 points and 3. placement in Finnish Hovawart Club working dog Championship Games in Hamina. There were totaly 25 hovis in different  classes and the main judge was Tiina Raukko. More information in News site.
6.9.14 FH2 with 75 points. The test was organized by local Rottweiler Club and the judge was Mika Mattila.

More information in News site.
26.7.14 Winner of the beginner class with points 184/200 scholarship TK1 and HP in Finnish Hovawart Club Obedience Championship Games in Tervakoski. There wee about 25 dogs in beginner class and the judge was Riikka Pulliainen.
Tallivahdin Gauner with Maarit became the second with 183 points and Tallivahdin Emanze with Sarri became the fourt with  177 points. So all our beginner hovis got very nice 1-class results even though we compete obedience only once a year in Tervakoski Champion Games! GREAT WORK AND CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE!
25.5.14 Repe made Finnish mental test and he was friendly and sure in shooting otherwise test interpretation did not describe him so well but you can read more about it in News site and see test videos in Repe´s site in working-dog.eu. Now he is completely ready to date also with hovi girls abroad.
Champion Class EXC1 CQ Best Male CACIB BOB in Turku INT Show and the judge was Polish Tomasz Borkowski.
4.1.14 Champion Class EXC1 CQ Best Male CACIB BOB in Gothenburg MyDOG INT show
the second day. The judge was Swede Karl-Erik Johansson. Our golden hovis succeded as fine as the day before except that this day Repe became BOB and Ofelia BOS. DREAM START FOR THE NEW YEAR! Thanks to SAANA, OFELIA and REPE of our unforgottable adventure!
3.1.14 Champion Class EXC1 CQ Best Male CACIB BOS in Gothenburg MyDOG INT show the first day. The judge was Swede Yvonne Brink. Forscherin sister was the most beautiful bitch and finaly BOB. So our dream came true and she will also get the great title of International Champion C.I.B. JUST GREAT GOLDEN HOVIS!
14.12.13 CH EXC2 CQ BM2 RESCACIB in Nordic
WInner Show, judge was German Grüttner Hans-Erhard.
24.11.13 FH2 result 90 points. The test was again organized by our own little working-dog club Varsinaiset Hoffit and the judge was Outi Hermiö. Repe made Tallivahdin history with his 90 points and was the winner, second was his mother Sissi 88 points. JUST SUPER-HOVIS!
6.10.13 FH2-RESULT 85/100 p.
The test was organized by our own little working-dog club Varsinaiset Hoffit and the judge was Harri Laajajärvi. Tallivahdin FH2-dogs won all medals: Repe was the winner, second was his mother Sissi 83 p and third Englein 80 p.
JK1 scholarship: forest points 194/200 and obedience (same as in IPO1) 80/100.
This forest tracking working dog game was organized in Raisio by TKK and the judge was Tiina Hiljanen. Repe is my first dog I have ever gained over 90% of max points in working-dog sport. He is my first dog with whom we have had no insufficient parts in obedience part of test. MY SUPER-REPE!!! :-)
Repe KÄY ERI3 SA Tervakoskella päänäyttelyssä 2013 kuva Lili Scarpellini 28.7.13 WORKING CLASS EXC3 CQ in Finnish Hovawart Club Show in Tervakoski. The judge of working class was Swiss Elisabeth Dietschi, who said about Repe:"3 Jahre alt, grosser,mittelblonder Rüde. Maskuliner Kopf,vollständiger Scherengebiss.P1 ober rechts dubblet. Vorzüglich Pigment. Ohren korrekt getragen, etwas weit hinter. Stand der Forhand gerade. Stand der Hinterhand etwas eng. Winkelungen korrekt. Sehr gute obere Linie.Für einer Rüde Rücken etwas lang aber straff. Kruppe für die länge des Richtens etwas kurz. Rute etwas eingerollt aber sonst korrekt. Der Hund bewegt sich sehr flüssig. Zeigt sich sehr freundlich." We got again a very nice breeder group of golden hovis and this time there were all presented in working class and our group became BIS3 that was the crown of the day! More info about this SuperHoviWeekend is on the News site.
27.7.13 OBEDIENCE BEGINNER CLASS 1-CLASS RESULT 180/200 points and the third place out of c. 15 dogs in Finnish Hovawart Club Obedience Championship games in Tervakoski The judge was Ilkka Sten. Mother Sissi won OPEN Class with nice points 184,5/200 and Tallivahdin kennel became second among kennels and VarsiNaisia Hoffeja became second among teams. So our success was better than ever!
20.3.13 Title of International Beauty Champion = C.I.B. is now official
6.1.13 Champion Class EXC1 CQ the 2nd best male RESCACIB in My
BOB Repe, judge Robert Dawson and BOS C.I.B Korad SE UCH TJH(FM) Hässlehoffs Aya-Keadotter   foto: Patricia Johansson Dog2 in Göteborg Sweden. The judge was Tcheck Polgar Andras.
All MyDog photos are taken by Patricia Johansson, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! There is more story about MyDogs in News-sites.
5.1.13 Working Class EXC1 CQ Best male CAC CACIB BOB and Swedish Champion in MyDog1 show in Göteborg Sweden!
The judge was Robert Dawson Philippines (on photo right). Repe is only 2 years and 5 months and now we can already apply C.I.B title for him! JUST IMAGING DOG!
31.12.12 the title Finnish Champion became officially true
8.12.2012 Helsinki Winner Show in working Class EXC1 CQ 3rd Best Male CAC amog 46 hovis and the judge was Elina Haapaniemi. AND THIS IS THE THIRD AND LAST OF 3 CACS NEEDED FOR F
INNISH CHAMPION TITLE! In next day 9.12. Winner show Repe was again Working Class EXC1 CQ but did not get placement in the best male ring. Sister Ofelia was 8.12. in open class EXC3 and next day EXC. So our lovely golden dogs were just wonderful!!!
11.11.2012 FH1 in just 2 years and 3 months old and he is now the youngest Finnish FH-hovi and probably the eight youngest of all FH-dogs in Finnsh working-dog history!! Repe got 74 points and the judge Vesa-Pekka Hirvioja liked his working power a lot. Unfortunately he missed 2 objects... more exact story is in News. His mother Sissi made FH2 with good restul 89 points in the same test. The weather was rainy and windy.
29.7.2012 Obedience beginner class 1-class result 162/200 points in Finnish Hovawart Club Obedience Championship games in Tervakoski. The judge was Pernilla Tallberg. This was Repe´s first obedience test and it went excellently! I am so proud of him!
14.7.2012 OPEN CLASS EXC1 CQ 2nd Best Male RES CAC
in Lammi Group Show where the judge was Åke Cronander.
25.4.2012 BH-test in Raisio. Judge was famous Finnish FH-competitor Maarit Rostedt and we had good time before and after the test to discuss about the main thing - FH! Test was nice and Repe cool!
3.12.2011 Helsinki Winner 2011 show: JUN EXC1 CQ HeJW-11 RES CAC and the judge was German Petra Krivy. She liked also sister Ofelia very much JUN EXC1 CQ HeJW-11 CAC!!! Now it is really time to celebrate!!!Repe 1 year 8 months, on March 2012
19.11.2011 Intermediate class EXC1 CQ BOB CACIB CAC at the age of 16 months in Jyväskylä INT SHOW! Judge was Juha Putkonen and Repe really charmed him among 38 hovis. Now Repe´s path to champions is a bit straighter... :-D
11.9.2011 JUN EXC1 CAC BOS, Ree won his first CAC at the age of 14 months. The judge was Swedish Hans Almgren. There were 15 hovis in  local show in Raisio. This summer has been marvellous show summer in our family!
31.7.2011 Finnish Hovawart Club Show in Tervakoski, judge Kirsten Wesche, Germany JUN EXC: "12 Monate alter kräftiger sehr schön entwickelt blonder Rûde. Etwas schmaler Kopf, dunkle Auge, vorzügliche Pigment, korrekte Gebiss, korrekte Ohren. gut getrecktes Gebäude, gute Winkelunge, etwas ausgedrechte Ellenbogen. Rute eingerollt getragen, schlichtes mittelblondes Haarkleid mit Aufhellung. Der Rüde zeigt ein sehr schöner temperamentvoller flüssiger Bewegung, nur etwas weich an der Vorhand, sehr freundliches Wesen." It is easy to be very satisfied with this result and judgement! This was a great start to his career. Repe was also representing our kennel in breeder group that became BIS1 among altogether 27 breeder groups! Other beautiful dogs in our group were Repe´s mother FI & SE CH (becomin C.I.B) JK2 FH1 BH Tallivahdin Cremefarben working class EXC2, sister Forscherin JUN EXC2 and little cousin Emanze open class EXC3 and third best bitch of all + res CAC. This is amazing and we are all so happy!
Newest photos are on the top and when you scroll downer you see earlier photos.

Two photos from MyDog shows in Göteborg taken by Patricia Johansson. Repe is almost 2,5 years old there:

BOB Repe    photo: Patricia Johansson Repe is very easy to handle in ring :-)  photo: Patricia Johansson


alkutervehdys BH-test obedience is done and we were having good time

välillä seuraaminen oli varsin väljää, mutta tunnelma säilyi mukavana ;-) henkilöryhmä sujui hienosti

luoksetulo sujui myös odotetusti Repe säteilee vielä loppuarvostelussakin

 Kaupunkiosuudella autoilija kysyy neuvoa ja Repe on cool!

Repe makaa yksin kadulla ja on hyvin rauhallinen ja varma toisen koiran ohittaessa sen now the city part of BH-test is also done! VERY GOOD BOY REPE!


 Repe 1 year 8 months, on March 2012 Repe 1 year 8 months, on March 2012Repe HeJW-11 Repe HeJW-11 stands very well but the photo is bad...
Repe HeJW-11  Petra Krivy is looking into Repe´s mouth andRepe became HeJW-11 Repe 16 months Repe 15 months old Repe 15 months old tracking in FH-workshop
  Repe JUN EXC in Tervakoski 2011 Repe is running in Tervakoski hovawart show 2011
girls teach dogs to "shake hands" in midsummer 2011 Repe 11 months on midsummer 2011
Repe 1 v is swinning and Sissi swims towards Repe 1 year is swimming
 Repe 11 kk on jo uljas poika  Repe 11 kk onnellisena lenkillä Repe 11 kk odottaa emäntää
Repe 11 kk seisoo ja nauraa Repe 11 kk ja Sissi-emo lenkillä
Sissi ja Repe 11 kk kalliolenkillä Sissi ja Repe 11 kk pihalla
koko lauma hiihtolenkille lähdössä helmikuussa 2011 äiti ja poika: Sissi 4,5 v ja Repe 7.5 kk Repe 6 months old at his home with our horses

Repe 6 kk sivusta Repe 6 kk tarkkana

Repe 6 kk ravaa Repe 6 kk vaanii  Repe 6 months  Repe 3 months

Repe 3 months old Repe 3 months and his grand aunt Abba 9 years

Sissi mother and Repe 3 months Repe 9 weeks and a raw bone

Repe 7 vkoa Repe 7 vkoa