Tallivahdin success in breeder classes and some other group prices

YEAR 2013 NEW RECORD: Finnish Working Dog Club keeps an acitivity ranking list of every working dog test of the highest classes. There were 80 dogs in 2013 that took part in FH2 tests in Finland. Among them there were 10 hovawarts and 5 of them were from Tallivahdin kennel! And it seems that we are he most active FH-kennel in FInland of all working dog breeds. WE MADE AGAIN NEW HISTORY OF OUR KENNEL! THANK YOU ALL WONDERFUL DOGS&OWNERS!
In list dogs that have same points seem to be in random order so the real ranking is often higher. FH maximum points are 100 and very good points 90 and more gives you 20 activity points. Good result 80-89 points gives you 10 points. Acceptable FH2 points 70-79 gives you 5 points and taking part without result (points under 69) gives you 1 point. Every test is accounted.
List number 13. was my Sissi, C.I.B FI & SE MVA JK3 FH2 BH Tallivahdin Cremefarben. Sissi and I took part in 2013 year in 5 FH2-tests, and we got 3 good (83,84,88 p) FH2 results. Activity points together were 32.
List number 14. was my Repe, C.I.B FI&SE MVA HeJW-11 FH2 JK1 BHTallivahdin Freiberufler. With Repe we took part in 4 FH2 tests and made FH2 results twice good 85p and very good 90p. So Repe got also 32 activity points.
List number 29. was Mango and Mili, FH2 BH Tallivahdin Englein. Mango got one good FH2 result 80p and one acceptable 72p, which also lead to bronze medal in Finnish Hovawart Club Champion test. Mango got totaly 15 acitivity points.
List number 50. was Laku and Sarri, FH2 BH Tallivahdin Emanze, with one acceptable FH2 result 74 p and one 1 p without result so Laku got totaly 6 p.
Listed was also Ofelia and Saana, C.I.B FI MVA HeJW-11 FH1 BH Tallivahdin Forscherin, who took part in one test without result so she got 1 activity point.

Year 2013 10 TOP hovis in different categories had 3 Tallivahdin hovis listed in best working-dog category: my Sissi (Tallivahdin Cremefarben with 3xFH2 and 1xJK3 results) became the second, her son Repe (Tallivahdin Freiberufler with 2xFH2 and 1xJK1 results and in both sports he got points 90% or more) was fourth and Mango (Tallivahdin Englein with 2xFH2 results) was eighth.

2013  Tervakoski hovawart weekend: In Finnish Hovawart Club Obediende Championship games there were 44 hovis in 4 different classes: beginner, open, winner and special winner. Obedience has been a side hobby to Tallivahdin hovis who are more involved in working dog sports and this game in Tervis has been the only goal in obedience. But despite of that we were suprisingly good in obedience this year! The weather was too warm for many hovis but not for Tallivahdin ones. The  bottom of the court was black stone sand that did make it even more challenging hot!

There were 6 Tallivahdin hovis in games when Maarit had decided to begin their career in open class with Hulda (Eminent) and that was very good - they made it well! Laku (Emanze) and Sarri started their obedience career and so did 2 years old Onni (Gauner) with Maarit. Our excitement started with open class and there were Maarit and Hulda first to start. There were 15 hovis in class. Hulda was happy to work with Maarit and they got a nice 2-class result.  Sissi and I started as third pair and it was fun! We made fine 1-class result of 184,5/200 points. The judge in open class was Riikka Pulliainen.

Then we started to wait for the beginner class hovis and there the judge was Ilkka Sten. There were 16 hovis in competing. First there were Mili and Mango (Englein) and they made fine 1-class result of 178/200 p. Next to go was Sarri and Laku, who made nice 3-class result in their first obedience test. Our third beginner class dog was Onni with Maarit and little Onni showed us a very nice obedience with points 158/200 that is strong 2-class result. At the end of the day I had my turn with Repe. He worked as we had trained and I am very proud of him with his second 1-class result with 180/200 points.

After that we had fun to wait for the final results and placements. AND IT WENT EXTREMELY WELL: Sissi and I won the open class and got also honour price,Repe and I became the third in beginner class with honour price, Tallivahdin was the second best in breeder´s competition and our little team of VarsiNaisia Hoffeja became also second in team competition. These group results were historical for us so our feeling was very high towards the night party in camp!

Sunday morning was as hot as Saturday but there were a big circus already early in the morning in show court where show people came to put their tents. There were some 261 hovis in the Club show and 5 special judges from different countries. There were also 5 rings but Tallivahdin 6 dogs were in just 2 of them, that made the day more easy to follow for us.

Our Repe (Freibrufler) was the first Tallivahdin in ring and he got EXCellent in working class. Rather tight Swiss judge Elisabeth Dietschi placed Repe to third among 11 working males and Repe got CQ also so we got the ticket to the best male ring. 56 Open class bitches were judged by German Gisbert Langheim and he gave our 2 year old girls Genie and Gewinnerin EXC with CQ. Mrs Dietschi judged also working class bitches and there Englein and Emanze got ECX and Cremefarben very good. Englein became the fourth among 8 bitches and got also CQ. SO at the end of the day we had again wonderful group of fours golden hovis in breeder group competition. And this time all our dogs were in working class that is VERY rear among Finnish hovawart!

There were totaly 19 breeder groups in compeeting and that really is the scene of the quality of your dog material. The judge was Gisbert Langheim. He surched groups for a quite long time and moved them in
his own order out of alphapethical order and it was VERY exciting! It took a while for me to realize that he has put us to third place in this long line of grops. SO this year Tallivahdin kennel became BIS3 breeder and it was our fourth placement in breeder group competition. We had a little bit different companion of golden hovis than before but it worked again!  WHAT A LOVELY WEEKEND AND THANK YOU ALL TALLIVAHDIN HOVIS & THEIR OWNERS & OUR SUPPORTERS! It can be hard for us to try to do better next year but it will be surely fun to try that!:-D In photo there are Repe and Sissi with our prices of this weekend

2012 Tervakoski  hovawart weekend: Tallivahdin kennel had again a great success! On Saturday in the world´s biggest hovawart show of Finnish Hovawart Club there were c. 254 dogs, that were judged in four rings and you could cheer for 10 Tallivahdin hovis. On Sunday in Finnish Hovawart Club´s obedience championship games you could see c. 60 hovawarts and there were 5 Tallivahdin hovis. In show there were 24 JUNIOR bitches and the judge was German special judge Josef Jais. All 4 Tallivahdin junior bitches got nice judgements Genie "Ritu" EXC, Geliebten ”Hilta”EXC, Gewinnerin ”Melba” EXC4 and Göttinnen ”Kitta” VG. Last summers junior star (JUN EXC2 CQ) Forscherin got now DSQ because she has her last coccygeal vertebra in her tail top little bit inclinated. Her brother Freberufler got G because of his high tail carriage.

Then it was time for the main class of Tallivahdin that is working class bitches. In there among 8 bitches there were C.I.B. FI & SE MVA JK3 FH2 Tallivahdin Cremefarben ”Sissi” (mother of our F litter), FH1 BH Tallivahdin Emanze ”Laku”(the future mother of our planned H litter) and FH2 BH Tallivahdin Englein ”Mango” (the mother of our G litter). The judge was Antje Jatzak.Sissi got VG, Emanze "Laku" got EXC3 CQ and Englein "Mango" EXC1 CQ. Our veteran bitch Bildschön "Kylli" had class placement in Tervakoski already very young she was BOB Puppy and became second in intermediate class bitches. Our expectations were therefore high again! The judge of veteran bitches was German breeding expert of RZV Ines Mirbach and she judged Kylli to be the second best of all 18 veteran bitches EXC2 CQ! So now we had again a high quality golden bitch group to present in breeder class! And the expectations just kept growing…
In the competition of the best bitch there were certificate quality (CQ) judged Bildschön and her daughters Emanze and Englein and rest of us were cheering! There were a great mount of CQ bitches among 254 dogs in this final and atmosphare was very intensive. The judge was again Antje Jatzak and she took after a loooong run Englein to the middle of the ring and finally placed her to the fourth place. Mango and Mili got to run like in Olympic games but it was worth of all swet!  VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS! Then there was maybe the most exciting final breeder class competition. 22 breeders had registrated to this class this year. This year it was again easier to get a breeder group of four dogs because you could take also VG dogs to the group like it has normally been also before. Our this year golden breeder group was made of Bildschön, Cremefarben, Emanze and Englein. They also came from three different litters and from three different mothers and fathers. This same group was BIS2 here in Club Show 2009. And the judge was again Antje Jatzak who picked soon up us among the four best groups. The great hovi audience cheered to everyone and the spirit was high! So we shined and ended to BIS2 breeder again! It was the third breeder class placement of Tallivahdin 11 year old history. VERY MANY THANKS TO WONDERFUL TALLIVAHDIN GOLDEN BITCHES WITH THEIR OWNERS KYLLI&TIIA, MANGO&MILI, LAKU&SARRI AND TO MY LOVE SISSI!
But we had still one game to run! Mango was the first Tallivahdin dog that got her own progeny group. Show rules have changed so that you can have a progeny group that have 4 dogs out of one litter. That suits very fine to Tallivahdin breeding strategy because we use our dogs only once for breeding! Progeny classes are only in Special Club Shows. So Englein "Mango" and her G-daughters Genie, Geliebten, Gewinnerin and Göttingen presented very well late at evening among 16 progeny groups. The judge was Elena Skvarilova thought that mango´s daughters were better than Mango so the breeding has succeeded although we did not get any placement!
On Sunday there were the Club Campionship Game in obedience that had almost 60 hovis. There were supposed to be 7 Tallivahdin dogs but Cowboy and Emanze skipped the game. Tallivahdin owners are more active in working dog sports and no one of us has obedience as a hobby. So these obedience games are just once in a summer adventure in Tervakoski! That is why we usually stay long in beginner (ALO) class…  This summer obedience adventure starter of Tallivahdin was Freiberufler "Repe" and me. Repe´s obedience career started very well with 162 points out of 200 that is ALO1-result in beginner class. The heat of c. +26 C and the powerfull presentation of two days and nights had made Repe (and me) a little tired but Repe is an obedient boy that did what he has thaught to do. And that made good result.
Nex pair to go was Englein "Mango" and Mili and their obedience were almost as showy as their yesterday´s show presentation. One unfortunate miss with result 0 in one movement made they loose so much points that they got 152,5/200 and ALO2-result.  Then was turn for Eminent "Hulda" and Maarit, who made almost no mistakes at all and got fine result of 169/200 pistettä and ALO1-result.  Then was Forscherin "Ofelia" and Saana in test. Our youngest and less experienced couple must still have some more training in co-operation because many movements had too much problems and they got not acceptable result (29/200). Last Tallivahdin dog to go was Cremefarben "Sissi" and me. Last year Sissi and I won the beginner class so I also thought that we are rather obedient already. I should have read the rules more carefull in order to make strategically right things but now I was not so aware and that made us 0 points in two movements that costed 50 points totally. Other movements went rather well and we got an acceptable AVO3-result with 129/200 points. And I am really happy with that. THANK YOU OUR OBEDIENT COMPETITIORS AND SUPPORTERS - WE HAD FUN AND LET´S DO IT AGAIN NEXT YEAR! Maybe we can do it even better...

2011 Helsinki Winner Shows The greatest and biggest dog event in Finland is the Winner Shows in Helsinki. Now there are dubbel shows that offer Winner-titles: Helsinki Winner 2011 on Saturday and Voittaja 2011 on Sunday. The facilities and programme is excellent there is just everything you can hope as a dog fan. Our 16 months old golden juniors were also so wRepe & Ofelia won both the titles of HeJW-11onderful you can just dream of in both days. We really had a great weekend to remember!

On Saturday there were 57 hovawarts and the judge was German Petra Krivy who is also a dog trainer and writes books about dogs. There were 25 males and 32 bitches. The biggest class of the day was typically junior bitches where many breeders represented their future breeding potential. Krivy was typically exact German judge and she had the whole day to concetrate to hovis and so she did! There were 6 junior males and 13 bitches. Freiberufler called Repe and Forscherin called Ofelia behaved very well. They are both very open and sure in their behavior and therefore also very easy to handle in show ring. Krivy liked them both to be very friendly and she wrote that Ofelia was so doog as "suveren in behavior" !!!! So they both charmed Petra Krivy and won junior classes and Tallivahdin kennel got it´s first winner titles! In the future you can put the nice titles HeJW11 in front of our lovely juniors. Repe was in the best male final the first one that did not get placement and he won also Reserve Certificate. His fine result line was JUN EXC1 CQ HeJW11 RES CAC. Ofelia made it even better and won her first Certifikate in the biggest dog show in Finland: JUN EXC1 CQ HeJW11 CAC!!! This is soooo wonderful and now it is very easy to continue towards year 2012! iThank you very much Saana for your great input and our lovely juniors had really earned their hamburgers!

BIS1 KASV ryhmä vasemmalta Freiberufler, Cremefarben, Forscherin ja Emanze, kuva Lili Scarpellini31.7.2011 BIS1 BREEDER HP in Finnish Hovawart Club Show in Tervakoski, that was the world´s biggest hovawart show so far with 291 hovis! The judge German Beatrix Feix had been very found of Emanze (first dog on the right) in open class bitches and in best bitch ring: Emanze´s fine result among 62 open class bitches was EXC3 and among over 150 bitches she bacame 3rd best bitch and won RES CAC! Other dog from right is Forscherin JUN EXC2 (seh was among the 6 best bitches in bitch final), the third from right is the mother of F-litter Cremefarben working class EXC2 and on the left her son Freiberufler JUN EXC. Altogether 27 breeders had announced a breeder group but only 9 of them got four excellent dogs and get to take part. There were only  5 Tallivahdin dogs in the whole show but it was enough! BIS1 is the best price a breeder can get in Finland and it is the crown of my 10 year breeder carieer. The judgement was great: "Eine sehr schöne blonde Zuchtgruppe, ausgesprochen homogen, farblich in allen Belangen vorzüglich, wird bestens präsentiert". It is very nice to continue from here and our dogs are still very young and they have hopefully still many years to shine!  THANKS TO ALL TALLIVAHDIN FAMILIES THAT MADE THIS REAL!  The nice photo is taken byt Lili Scarpellini, thank you also!
Kultatytöt KASV BIS2 KP Tervis 09

26.7.2009 BIS2 BREEDER HP  in Finnish Hovawart Club Show in Tervakoski. Judge was German Margit Bothur. I had dreamed of this group of four golden bitches over a year and Bildschön, Cremefarben, Emanze and Englein with their owners made my dream come true (photo on the left). Among 9 highclass breeder group we became also second! Bothur evaluated our group as: "Im Typ und Ausstellung sehr ehnlich, eben so Farbe und dunkles Pigment". Otherwise the success of Tallivahdin dogs were great: Emanze won intermediate class bitches and got also RES CAC, 2nd in junior class males was  Edelmann EXC2 and in bitches Eminent EXC2 and Cremefarben became second in champion class (EXC2). Also Englein got EXC and 5 open class dog got VG:  Anemone, Bildschön, Camper, Capriole, Cowboy. Spirit was high and it took a while to get feed back on the ground again...
27.7.2008 Breeder group in Tervakoski Finnish Hovawart Club Show. We had black and tan group of two different litters 3 bitches and a male Anemone, Augenweide, Capriole and Cowboy. This time we did not gain any success.
8.12.2007 2nd best Hovawart Breeder group in Helsinki Winner 07 -show, judged by Finnish Tapio Eerola. Our group included golden and balck and tan dogs, 3 bitches and one male Abendrot, Bildschön, Cowboy ja Cremefarben. The star of Tallivahdin was Bildschön, who won RES CAC.
25.8. 2007 Best breeder of hovawart breeder groups HP in a national dog show in Tervakoski, judge was Ligita Zake. In our golden &black and tan breeder group we had for the first time dogs from three different litters Abendrot, Bildschön, Capriole and Cremefarben.
28.7.2007 we presented a breeder group in Finnish Hovawart Club Show in Tervakoski. We had a two coloured group and dogs from two litter, 3 bitches and one male: Abendrot, Camper, Capriole and Cremefarben. the star of the day was Camper that was the 4th in his class among 30 junior males. 
18.11.2006 The 3rd best hovawart breeder + HP, in an international dog show in Jyväskylä. Judge was  Gunilla Skallman, Sweden. In our group there were 3 black and tan bitches Abendrot, Anemone, Brillanten and one golden Bildschön.
17.12.2005 BOB breeder HP in Helsinki Winner show - 05, judge was famous Finnish allround judge Kari Järvinen. Busenfreundin was the star of the day by winning her third and last CAC. Other bitches in our breeder group were also golden Bildschön and black and tan ladies Bäuerin and Abendrot. as we had the best breeder group we were representing hovawarts after several hours in Grande Finaleen. The atmosphere was amazing and we did time to remember in those huge show lights.
31.7.2005 in Finnish Hovawart Club show we represented for the first time Tallivahdin breeder group there and it included four dogs that were all black and tan bitches out of our first two litters Anemone, Augenweide, Brillanten ja Bäuerin.
30.7.2005 Finnish Hovawart Club Championship in Obedience. Tallivahdin became the 4th best breeder. All our dogs were in beginner class and Busenfreundin got 179/200 p and scholarship TK1 and she was priced as the best young hovawart. Abgott got 170/200 p, Abendrot 158,5/200 p, Anemone 147/200 p II, Bildschön 140/200 p.

14.5.2005 BIS3 & BOB breeder in a dog show in Raisio, judge was famous Swedish allround judge Göran Bodegård in hovawarts and Finnish Soile Bister in all BOB breeder groups. We had an extremely wonderful day. At first we had a Tallivahdin meeting that day and secondly our success in dog show was amazing! Our first hovi-lady was Sateenkaaren Thunderbird oli BIS3&BOB VET, Bäuerin was BOB and won her first CAC, Baden-Badener was the 2nd best of males and won his first CAC. Other beautiful bitches in our two colored group were Augenweide and Busenfreundin. Göran Bodegård liked Tallivahdin dogs very much: ”En Mycket fin grupp. Typmässigt utm. hundar av bra konstruktion. Ett bra resultat.” On the left there is a photo of our beautiful group!

20.3.2005 the 3rd best hovawart breeder in Tampere, judge was Nina Kharatishvili, Russian. Tallivahdin Busenfreundin (15 months) was the star by winning a CAC. Other bitches in our group were Abendrot, Anemone and Bildschön.

24.10.2004  the 2nd best breeder group + HP in Seinäjoki, jude was Swedish Åke Cronander. This was all time first breeder group of Tallivahdin with four bitches: 2 black and tan Abendrot, Anemone and two golden Bildschön and Busenfreundin. They all very EXC and Cronander judged:  "Very nice group, lots of quality, nice movers, unfortunately the coat condition is not the best today". This was a good start that gave hope for the future!