
Tallivahdin kennel had inofficial but yet very real German breeding tests judged by Kirsten Wesche and there were 23 hovawarts of 1-2 year old and out of 5 different combinations! THANK YOU FOR YOUR GREAT WORK EVERYONE!!!

Tallivahdin videostudio proudly presents GERMAN RZV BREEDING TESTS that were made to 23 hovawarts in Masku 31.7.-1.8. In NZB-test for 1 year old dogs there were 5 Tallivahdin J-puppies and 4 K-puppies. In JB-test for dogs nearly 2 year old there were 5 Tallivahdin H-puppies, 2 Tallivahdin I-puppies and 4 Hoffen-Haus P-puppies. In ZTP for adult dogs there were 1 Tallivahdin H-puppy, 2 Tallivahdin I-puppies and 1 Hoffen-Haus P-puppy. MANY THANKS TO ALL TALLIVAHDIN OWNERS, THE JUDGE Kirsten Wesche, the Helper Mika Laaksonen and the Steward & Photographer Hanna Koivula & HAPPY AUDIENCE. YOU ALL MADE MY LONG TIME DREAM COME TRUE!!!!