
Tallivahdin got fine results in Finnish hovawart working dog and breeder show ranking lists 2009

As I opened new Hovawartti-magazine 2/2010 I got nicely suprised because Tallivahdin dogs made 2 new records in our 9 year old history. 

According to the working dog test results of year 2009 Tallivahdin Cremefarben was listed as the 8th out of 10 best working dog hovawarts in 2010. There are approximately about 50 hovawarts that has been in working dog test in year 2009. Sissi became the first Tallivahdin dog to get listed there. And I am very sure that this was only the beginning...:-D! There were altogether 4 Tallivahdin dogs that competed in working dog tests and all in tracking: Abendrot, Augenweide, Busenfreundin and Cremefarben.

Another historical record we made was in breeder´s dog show result lisa: we were 4./10 best breeders. There were 13 Tallivahdin dogs that had been in altogether 31 dog shows in year 2009. They counted points of BOB+BOS results and EXC+VG results. We had altogether 2 BOB+BOS results and our EXC+VG % was 93,5% (29/31). I AM SOOOOO PROUD OF ALL OF YOU AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ACTIVITY!

One very special record is that no one of Tallivahdin dogs have ever got FAILED or COULD NOT BE EVALUATED due to behavior etc. in dog shows! This is also very important to me and I thank you all for this!
