
Tallivahdin J-litter with 11 puppies is born and everyone is feeling FINE!

Tallivahdin 11 J-puppies were born on the 17.6. at 17.26 pm - 18.6. at 8.55 am and all puppies + mother Ira are feeling very fine. In working-dog.eu site and Hovawart Kennel Tallivahdin in facebook you can see some videos of them and here some photos from the birthday :-)

In Tallivahdin kennel this is the fourth time we got 11 puppies in one litter (A, C, H, J) and now we have one this big litter in every four generation of Tallivahdin hovis. Our average amount of puppies in 9 Tallivahdin litters (86 puppies) is 9,55 THAT IS JUST GREAT! And in 9 litters there are 8 different mothers!

Ira is resting before the birth giving.

The first to born was a blond male on the 17.6. at 17.26 pm.

6. was a dark blond bitch.

Ira is resting a little between the puppies.

First 8 ones were all blonds :-D

9. to born was a black male like the father Kaapo.

All 11 are born on the 18.6. at 8.55 am.

HAPPY END :-) <3