
B-puppies are 11 years today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Kylli, Molly, Peppi and Topi!

11 years ago I drove with my Nella,BH Sateenkaaren Thunderbird, a long trip down to Baden-Baden Germany to meet a great German male C.I.B GE CH VPG3 BH Gigur vom Griessesch. And it surely was a very successfull trip!

After 2 months we got 7 lovely hovi puppies: Baden-Badener (Topi) was the only male and Bewunderin (Peppi), Bildchön (Kylli), Brillanten (Molly) + already bygones Blümchen, Busenfreundin and Bäuerin.

I am very happy we got you and you have brought 11 long years happiness to your owners! Your genes made the bottom of Tallivahdin hovawart breeding :-) HAVE A NICE BIRTHDAY AND HEALTHY, ENJOYABLE LIVING AS LONG AS POSSIBLE!
