
In Helsinki Winner Show 5/6 Tallivahdin hovis got placements, our best was Ofelia with BB4, our golden breeder group became 2nd with HP! The father of H-litter Arttu made Finnish Hovawart history with IPO2 result! CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS TO ALL OF YOU

Helsinki Winner Show was a very nice place to celebrate Finnish National day! There were 54 hovawarts + 4 puppies and the judge was a living legend Greman dual purpose (show, IPO, FH, ZTP) hovawart judge Gisbert Langheim.

Tallivahdin hovis got nicely 5/6 placements! Just 9 months old juniors from H-litter Hindernisläufer VG3 and Herzogin VG4 got Very Good judgements and all older dogs got EXCellent: Cremefarben VET EXC, Forscherin Working Class EXC1 CQ, Freiberufler Working Class EXC2 CQ and Genie Working Class EXC2.

Tallivahdin Queen was Ofelia (C.I.B FI MVA HeJW-11 FH1 PEHA-A BH Tallivahdin Forscherin), who became Best Bitch 4 among 32 hovawart bitches!

After several years pause we got again a breeder group in Winner Show (Herzogin, Forscherin, Freiberufler, Cremefarben) that was a golden one and became second with Honour Price.

Many thanks to all our grear hovawarts and their owners and all our good cheer leaders - we really had a nice and fun day! In ring photos you see the all time youngest Tallivahdin hovawart + handler: Junior bitch Herzogin 9 months and junior handler Veera 12 years. They became the 4th among 7 JUN bitches and I am sure we will here about them in the future!

The crown of the nice day was earned byt the father of our H-litter Arttu, C.I.B C.I.E Multi CH FH2 IP2 JK1 BH Asher Sus Armon, and his owner made Finnish hovawart hobby history: they got IPO2 result as the first hovawart in our country! Next year 2015 hovawarts will have World Championship Games in IPO and hopefully they also earned a ticket to that historical competition! MANY CONGRATULATIONS ARTTU AND MAARIT AND NOW YOU CAN ENJOY THIS SPIRIT ALL LONG WINTER!

A little photo of breeders nice "earnings" of this lovely day: the beautiful clock was amde of the figure of Ofelia thanks to Saana and Outi and thank you for those delicious gifts to Yrjö and Janette!

Hilkka kuvassa oikealla Veera 12v ja HIlkka 9kk JUN EH4
Winner14 kasvattajan saalis