
Tallivahdin FH training weekend with a famous couch Outi Hermiö was very successful: 19 dogs in training! NOW IT IS SO NICE TO WAIT FOR SUMMER AND WORKING DOG COMPETITIONS :-D THANK YOU ALL !!!

Tallivahdin training weekend on the 26.-27.4. was this time here in Masku and program was FH, FH and of course FH...Kitta jäljestä, Outi valmentaa ja Kati kuuntelee :-D Our third co-operation year with a famous coach and IPO&FH judge Outi Hermiö started and we alllearned AGAIN some new important things! The training fileds were in Masku, Länsitalon tila, that is also our local field tracking center. The hostess Tiina has also a nice farm shop Maskun Eräkoira that we visited and made some shopping cues also in both days :-)

There were at least one dog in every Tallivahdin litter and some other honour guests:
Anemone, my sister Sanna´s Ronja 12,5 years living in our neiborogh visited with Sanna´s three children
Bildschön, called Kylli 10,5 y (mother of E litter) was cheering her "adopted" san Arigo vom Tübinger Tor who is 1year old and called Ilmari. With them was also a kelpiebitch Ulpu and their owner Tiia,
Cremefarben, our own Sissi soon 8y (mother of F litter) enjoyde tracking with her son Freiberufler, Repe
Emanze, called Laku 6y, guided her 10 weeks old H puppies but enjoyed also tracking and ants...:-) In Laku´s herd there are her sons Hauptdarsteller "Rymy", Heldenhaften "Pörrö" and daughter Heerführerin "Hefu". Laku and Rymy are owned by Sarri, Pörrö is her mother´s Sirpa´s dog and Hefu her sister´s Anniina´s dog.
Eminent "Hulda" 6y, changed her surching (HK2) career to elegant FH-tracking with her owner Maarit
Englein "Mango" 6y  (mother of G litter) enjoyed tracking with her owner Mili and daughter Gewinnerinin, Melba 3y
Forscherin "Ofelia" soon 4y, is with BIG probability pregnant but liked still tracking with her owner Saana
Genie "Ritu" 3y, prepared for the first FH test in this season with her owner Satu
Göttinnen "Kitta" 3y (IN PHOTO ABOVE), was tracking with her owner Kati
Hasselhoff "Hasse" (10 weeks old IN PHOTO DOWN) started her tracking career in with food squares with his owner´s Janette and Kent
Hindernisläufer "Hemmo" 10w started also his tracking career with her owner´s Leena and Bengt
Hauptmann called Reposyrjän Romeo 10w was the sixth little H that got a nice start in tracking with her owner Mikaela

So totaly there were 14 Tallivahdin hovis in FH training + grand mother´s Ronja and Kylli, who cheered us all!Hasse valmistautuu ruutuun

Other guests of honour and training mates were
hovawarts Hermann vom Reet "Hermann" 1y and Hanna, the father of H-litter Asher Sus Armoni "Arttu" 6y and his son Hofmarien Howling´ Wolf "Hukka" 3y and their owner Maarit and her spouse Ari with his Schäfer 2 years old Sisu.

So totaly we were 19 dogs in training, that is VEEERYY MUCH! Our schedules were quite excact just some failures... On the Saturday evening we were having a grill party with puppy circus in our home. H-puppies had a lot of fun in playing and so did we all! The weekend was JUST WONDERFUL AND EDUCATIONAL - THANK YOU ALL!  Now it is very nice to wait for summer and FH tests to come!
 Joona ja H-pentuja