
Tallivahdin 6 hoviveterans from A-litter are 12 years old today! CONGRATULATIONS JASU, OBELIX, RONJA, SAGA,SARA and VENLA!

A day like today is one of the best in breeding hobby, I am very happy and proud to be able to celebrate six 12 year old hoviveterans from Tallivahdin A-litter. They all have lived a long, healthy and happy life and every minute from now on is piriceless. Hopefully they will be older than their parents and live healthy also the rest of their lives. From our 11 A-puppy there are still going strong bitches Ameise (Venla), Anemone (our neibourgh Ronja), Anliegen (Sara), Augenweide (Saga) ja urokset Anbeter (Jasu) and Aufpasser (Obelix). MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO THESE LOVELY VETERANS AND ALSO TO THEIR OWNERS WHO HAS MADE A MARVELLOUS JOB IN TAKING CARE OF THEIR HOVIS!
Hovawart is known to be a long aged breed among other big size breeds. In Finnish Kennel Clubs database Koiranet there are statistics of  causes of death of different breeds and here in link here you can find Finnish hovawarts statistics:

The average deathage of Hovawarts in Finland is 9 years 2 months and compared to other breeds Hovawart is much more vital breed than Boxer 7y 10m, German Shephard 7y 7m, Doberman 6y 10m, Rottweiler 7y 4m, Bernese Mountain Dog 7y 1m and Leonberger 7y 2m.
