
B-puppies are 9 years today - VERY MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ALL!

Happy 9 year Birthday to Bessi, Kylli, Molly, Peppi and Topi!

I still remember very clearly September in 2003 when their mother Nella and I drove to Baden-Baden Germany to meet their wonderful father C.I.B. GER CH VPG3 Gigur von Griessesch. In B-B there were still summer season going on and it was luckily love at first sight and after 2 months we had you - 7 lovely puppies!

Unfortunately two of them have died accidently earlier: Barbie was hit by a train at the age of 3,5 years and Tessa was hit by a hovi-male with disasterous conclusions. All joints of Tessa´s other back leg went broken and was operated 2 times but last year just before she had 8 years Birthday the leg went bad again and eutanasia was the only solution.

Luckily 5 of lovely B-puppies are still in good condition and hopefully lives happily still several years! Have a nice time with your lovely hovis!

