
Highlights of Tallivahdin very succesfull year 2011 & MERRY XMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!

Tallivahdin kennel is now 10 years old. We have had 6 litters and alltogether 54 puppies. Our tenth year of breeding was full of historical successes and GREAT HIGHLIGHTS that are shortly listed below.
10.4.11 born 10 G-puppies, our second litter of third generation Tallivahdin hovis. Their mother is FH1 BH Tallivahdin Englein, and father German working-dog male IPO3 VPG3 BH Delano von Andwari. This couple made Tallivahdin colour history: we got our first black hovis and not just few blacks there were 8 black puppies!
Pikku-G:t 6 viikon ja 5 päivän iässä
Ruotsin Alftassa tuomari Elina Haapaniemi ja FIN & SE MVA JK2 FH1 Tallivahdin Abendrot
From Sweden we got 3 new champion titles: 2 Swedish Champions and International Champion (C.I.B): Abba (on left) became FIN & SE CH JK2 FH1 BH Tallivahdin Abendrot and Sissi is now C.I.B FI & SE CH JK3 FH2 BH Tallivahdin Cremefarben.
On July the world´s biggest hovawart club show (N=293) in Tervakoski was a great success for Tallivahdin kennel. Emanze “Laku” became third among 63 open class bitches and also among all c. 170 bitches and she won RES CAC Laku is the brightest star of Tallivahdin kennel in Tervakoski. Forscherin “Ofelia” became second JUN EXC2 CQ among 42 junior bitches and she was among 6 best bitches kuva Lili Scarpellini: Tallivahdin BIS1 kasvattajaryhmä koirat vasemmalta Freiberufler, Cremefarben, Forscherin ja Emanzein the best bitch final. Her mom Cremefarben became also second in working class bitches EXC2 CQ and her son Freiberufler JUN EXC. So we got four excellent golden dogs to the breeder class. There were 27 breeders that had wanted to represent a breeder group but only 9 breeders got 4 excellent dogs that were needed for the group. Tallivahdin kennel won them all and became BIS1 breeder!!!! This was the crown of my 10 years breeding jubileum!! Photo of the group was taken by Lili Scarpellini and dogs from the right are Laku, Ofelia, Sissi ja Repe.
Janne ja Ofelia ja kauden suurin lintusaalis
Tallivahdin Forscherin “Ofelia” is the first hunting dog of Tallivahdin. Ofelia´s best result in one hunting day was 2 little water birds she fetched from water, 2 brown grouses and one great black grouse.
Minna ja Sissi rodun jälkimestari 2011
On September Cremefarben "Sissi" became the Tracking Champion 2011 of hovawarts, She is the first Tallivahdin dog that has made a result in the highest working –dog class.
On October Sissi made result also in FH2.
Tallivahdin Emanze AVO ERI3 SA PN3 VARASERT
On November Emanze “Laku” got result in FH1 and future of our H-litter looks good! Laku is now the 4th Tallivahdin dog that has made a result in FH. Photo on the right is taken by Jenni Hämäläinen
Freiberufler “Repe” is the youngest Tallivahdin hovi that has got a best dog result in dog shows: he was BOS in 14 months and won his first CAC. At the age of 16 months he became BOB in an international dog show and won his first CACIb and second CAC.
HeJW-11 tittelit saaneet junnusisarukset Repe ja Ofelia
On December juniors Forscherin and Freiberufler won the first winner titles of Tallivahdin HeJW-11 in Helsinki Winner Show. Ofelia won also her first CAC there.
We can hardly wait what kind of success becoming year 2012 brings to us. The new stars of Tallivahdin are growing all around Finland. For example  Genie was tracking well 900 steps FH track at the age of 7 months....
Our H-puppies are also waited already in 6 families. So now it is very nice to try to make their dream also true in next  spring!
 from Minna, Johnny, Sissi & Repe

