
SUUUUUPER-SIssi continues to win: she became the fifth and the youngest FH2-hovawart in Finland in history!

Sissi furfilled my dreams again by getting result in FH2-test points were 78/100 and she won the class. We still have some exercise to do in the future but Sissi filled only 5 years on July so we have hopefully many good working-dog test years to come!

Unfortunately other two Tallivahdin blond hovibitches that took part in toda¨'s test did not succeed as were waited. Emanze in her and her owner´s Sarri´s first working-dog test got 29/100 points. As well her sister Englein in FH2 was today all too wild already from the beginning and got out of the track already in first line (5/100). Two weeks ago she was already near to get FH2 done with 60/100 points. E-bitches are only 3,5 years old so they have even more time to train and gain.

Emanze started her heat almost two months earlier now on Friday and because of that and the failure of today we shall move our breeding plans with her to the next spring. Hopefully they have chance to try FH again this autumn because they are soooo promising in it!!!



